Webinar – Quick & Clean, Not Quick & Dirty: How to Maintain Data Quality During Crunch Time


By Adam Dietrich

Research is always – by definition – unpredictable, but there is one inevitable annual occurrence across the insights industry: the end of year rush. As project deadlines and budget expirations approach, online research increases dramatically each December. Sample providers offer discounts to attract new clients, participants are inundated with survey requests, and many researchers shorten field times to get their work finished before the calendar flips. 

All too often, this end-of-year frenzy results in lower data quality as researchers speed through fielding alongside new suppliers and make concessions they may not otherwise if given the benefit of more time.

CloudResearch wants to help researchers navigate this tumultuous end-of-year research landscape by exploring the best practices of efficient online sampling without sacrificing data quality. We’ll provide tips for every project stage from survey design to back-end data quality checks – all in a 30 minute webinar titled “Quick & Clean, Not Quick & Dirty: Maintaining Data Quality During Crunch Time.” Register here.

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